"O tu che se' di là dal fiume sacro,"
31.1 |
O you upon the holy stream’s far shore,” |
volgendo suo parlare a me per punta, |
so she, turning her speech’s point against me— |
che pur per taglio m'era paruto acro, |
even its edge had seemed too sharp—began |
ricominciò, seguendo sanza cunta, |
31.4 |
again, without allowing interruption, |
"dì, dì se questo è vero; a tanta accusa |
“tell, tell if this is true; for your confession |
tua confession conviene esser congiunta." |
must be entwined with such self-accusation.” |
Era la mia virtù tanto confusa, |
31.7 |
My power of speech was so confounded that |
che la voce si mosse, e pria si spense |
my voice would move and yet was spent before |
che da li organi suoi fosse dischiusa. |
its organs had released it. She forbore |
Poco sofferse; poi disse: "Che pense? |
31.10 |
a moment, then she said: “What are you thinking? |
Rispondi a me; ché le memorie triste |
Reply to me, the water has not yet |
in te non sono ancor da l'acqua offense."
PL |
obliterated your sad memories.” |
Confusione e paura insieme miste |
31.13 |
Confusion mixed with fear compelled a Yes |
mi pinsero un tal "sì" fuor de la bocca, |
out of my mouth, and yet that Yes was such— |
al quale intender fuor mestier le viste. |
one needed eyes to make out what it was. |
Come balestro frange, quando scocca |
31.16 |
Just as a crossbow that is drawn too taut |
da troppa tesa, la sua corda e l'arco, |
snaps both its cord and bow when it is shot, |
e con men foga l'asta il segno tocca, |
and arrow meets its mark with feeble force, |
sì scoppia' io sottesso grave carco, |
31.19 |
so, caught beneath that heavy weight, I burst; |
fuori sgorgando lagrime e sospiri, |
and I let tears and sighs pour forth; my voice |
e la voce allentò per lo suo varco. |
had lost its life along its passage out. |
Ond' ella a me: "Per entro i mie' disiri, |
31.22 |
At this she said: “In the desire for me |
che ti menavano ad amar lo bene |
D |
that was directing you to love the Good |
di là dal qual non è a che s'aspiri,
beyond which there’s no thing to draw our longing, |
quai fossi attraversati o quai catene |
31.25 |
what chains were strung, what ditches dug across |
trovasti, per che del passare innanzi |
your path that, once you’d come upon them, caused |
dovessiti così spogliar la spene? |
your loss of any hope of moving forward?” |
E quali agevolezze o quali avanzi |
31.28 |
What benefits and what allurements were |
ne la fronte de li altri si mostraro, |
so evident upon the brow of others |
per che dovessi lor passeggiare anzi?" |
that you had need to promenade before them?” |
Dopo la tratta d'un sospiro amaro, |
31.31 |
After I had withheld a bitter sigh, |
a pena ebbi la voce che rispuose, |
I scarcely had the voice for my reply, |
e le labbra a fatica la formaro. |
but, laboring, my lips gave my words form. |
Piangendo dissi: "Le presenti cose |
31.34 |
Weeping, I answered: “Mere appearances |
col falso lor piacer volser miei passi, |
turned me aside with their false loveliness, |
tosto che 'l vostro viso si nascose." |
as soon as I had lost your countenance.” |
Ed ella: "Se tacessi o se negassi |
31.37 |
And she: “Had you been silent or denied |
ciò che confessi, non fora men nota |
what you confess, your guilt would not be less |
la colpa tua: da tal giudice sassi! |
in evidence: it’s known by such a Judge! |
Ma quando scoppia de la propria gota |
31.40 |
But when the charge of sinfulness has burst |
l'accusa del peccato, in nostra corte |
from one’s own cheek, then in our court the whetstone |
rivolge sé contra 'l taglio la rota. |
turns and blunts our blade’s own cutting edge. |
Tuttavia, perché mo vergogna porte |
31.43 |
Nevertheless, that you may feel more shame |
del tuo errore, e perché altra volta, |
for your mistake, and that—in time to come— |
udendo le serene, sie più forte, |
hearing the Sirens, you may be more strong, |
pon giù il seme del piangere e ascolta: |
31.46 |
have done with all the tears you sowed, and listen: |
sì udirai come in contraria parte |
so shall you hear how, unto other ends, |
mover dovieti mia carne sepolta. |
my buried flesh should have directed you. |
Mai non t'appresentò natura o arte |
31.49 |
Nature or art had never showed you any |
piacer, quanto le belle membra in ch'io |
PE |
beauty that matched the lovely limbs in which |
rinchiusa fui, e che so' 'n terra sparte;
I was enclosed—limbs scattered now in dust; |
e se 'l sommo piacer sì ti fallio |
31.52 |
and if the highest beauty failed you through |
per la mia morte, qual cosa mortale |
my death, what mortal thing could then induce |
dovea poi trarre te nel suo disio? |
you to desire it? For when the first |
Ben ti dovevi, per lo primo strale |
31.55 |
arrow of things deceptive struck you, then |
de le cose fallaci, levar suso |
you surely should have lifted up your wings |
di retro a me che non era più tale. |
to follow me, no longer such a thing. |
Non ti dovea gravar le penne in giuso, |
31.58 |
No green young girl or other novelty— |
ad aspettar più colpo, o pargoletta |
such brief delight—should have weighed down your wings, |
o altra novità con sì breve uso. |
awaiting further shafts. The fledgling bird |
Novo augelletto due o tre aspetta; |
31.61 |
must meet two or three blows before he learns, |
ma dinanzi da li occhi d'i pennuti |
but any full-fledged bird is proof against |
rete si spiega indarno o si saetta." |
the net that has been spread or arrow, aimed.” |
Quali fanciulli, vergognando, muti |
31.64 |
As children, when ashamed, will stand, their eyes |
con li occhi a terra stannosi, ascoltando |
upon the ground—they listen, silently, |
e sé riconoscendo e ripentuti, |
acknowledging their fault repentantly— |
tal mi stav' io; ed ella disse: "Quando |
31.67 |
so did I stand; and she enjoined me: “Since |
per udir se' dolente, alza la barba, |
hearing alone makes you grieve so, lift up |
e prenderai più doglia riguardando." |
your beard, and sight will bring you greater tears.” |
Con men di resistenza si dibarba |
31.70 |
There’s less resistance in the sturdy oak |
robusto cerro, o vero al nostral vento |
to its uprooting by a wind from lands |
o vero a quel de la terra di Iarba,
of ours or lands of Iarbas than I showed |
ch'io non levai al suo comando il mento; |
31.73 |
in lifting up my chin at her command; |
e quando per la barba il viso chiese, |
I knew quite well—when she said “beard” but meant |
conobbi il velen de l'argomento. |
my face—the poison in her argument. |
E come la mia faccia si distese, |
31.76 |
When I had raised my face upright, my eyes |
posarsi quelle prime creature |
were able to perceive that the first creatures |
da loro aspersïon l'occhio comprese; |
had paused and were no longer scattering flowers; |
e le mie luci, ancor poco sicure, |
31.79 |
I |
and still uncertain of itself, my vision |
vider Beatrice volta in su la fiera |
saw Beatrice turned toward the animal |
ch'è sola una persona in due nature.
that is, with its two natures, but one person. |
Sotto 'l suo velo e oltre la rivera |
31.82 |
PE |
Beneath her veil, beyond the stream, she seemed |
vincer pariemi più sé stessa antica, |
so to surpass her former self in beauty |
vincer che l'altre qui, quand' ella c'era.
as, here on earth, she had surpassed all others. |
Di penter sì mi punse ivi l'ortica, |
31.85 |
The nettle of remorse so stung me then, |
che di tutte altre cose qual mi torse |
that those—among all other—things that once |
più nel suo amor, più mi si fé nemica. |
most lured my love, became most hateful to me. |
Tanta riconoscenza il cor mi morse, |
31.88 |
Such self-indictment seized my heart that I |
ch'io caddi vinto; e quale allora femmi, |
collapsed, my senses slack; what I became |
salsi colei che la cagion mi porse. |
is known to her who was the cause of it. |
Poi, quando il cor virtù di fuor rendemmi, |
31.91 |
Then, when my heart restored my outer sense, |
la donna ch'io avea trovata sola
PE |
I saw the woman whom I’d found alone, |
sopra me vidi, e dicea: "Tiemmi, tiemmi!" |
standing above me, saying: “Hold, hold me!” |
Tratto m'avea nel fiume infin la gola,
31.94 |
She’d plunged me, up to my throat, in the river, |
e tirandosi me dietro sen giva |
and, drawing me behind her, she now crossed, |
sovresso l'acqua lieve come scola. |
light as a gondola, along the surface. |
Quando fui presso a la beata riva, |
31.97 |
When I was near the blessed shore, I heard |
"Asperges me" sì dolcemente udissi,
M |
“Asperges me” so sweetly sung that I |
che nol so rimembrar, non ch'io lo scriva. |
cannot remember or, much less, transcribe it. |
La bella donna ne le braccia aprissi;
31.100 |
The lovely woman opened wide her arms; |
abbracciommi la testa e mi sommerse |
she clasped my head, and then she thrust me under |
ove convenne ch'io l'acqua inghiottissi. |
to that point where I had to swallow water. |
Indi mi tolse, e bagnato m'offerse |
31.103 |
That done, she drew me out and led me, bathed, |
dentro a la danza de le quattro belle;N
The four cardinal virtues
into the dance of the four lovely women; |
e ciascuna del braccio mi coperse. |
and each one placed her arm above my head. |
"Noi siam qui ninfe e nel ciel siamo stelle;N
The four cardinal virtues
31.106 |
“Here we are nymphs; in heaven, stars; before |
pria che Beatrice discendesse al mondo,
PE |
she had descended to the world, we were |
fummo ordinate a lei per sue ancelle. |
assigned, as her handmaids, to Beatrice; |
Merrenti a li occhi suoi; ma nel giocondo |
31.109 |
we’ll be your guides unto her eyes; but it |
lume ch'è dentro aguzzeranno i tuoi |
will be the three beyond, who see more deeply, |
le tre di là, che miran più profondo." |
who’ll help you penetrate her joyous light.” |
Così cantando cominciaro; e poi |
31.112 |
So, singing, they began; then, leading me |
al petto del grifon seco menarmi,
C |
together with them to the griffin’s breast, |
ove Beatrice stava volta a noi.
PE |
where Beatrice, turned toward us, stood, they said: |
Disser: "Fa che le viste non risparmi; |
31.115 |
“See that you are not sparing of your gaze: |
posto t'avem dinanzi a li smeraldi |
before you we have set those emeralds |
ond' Amor già ti trasse le sue armi." |
from which Love once had aimed his shafts at you.” |
Mille disiri più che fiamma caldi |
31.118 |
A thousand longings burning more than flames |
strinsermi li occhi a li occhi rilucenti, |
compelled my eyes to watch the radiant eyes |
che pur sopra 'l grifone stavan saldi.
C |
that, motionless, were still fixed on the griffin. |
Come in lo specchio il sol, non altrimenti |
31.121 |
Just like the sun within a mirror, so |
la doppia fiera dentro vi raggiava,
C |
the double-natured creature gleamed within, |
or con altri, or con altri reggimenti.
now showing one, and now the other guise. |
Pensa, lettor, s'io mi maravigliava, |
31.124 |
Consider, reader, if I did not wonder |
quando vedea la cosa in sé star queta, |
when I saw something that displayed no movement |
e ne l'idolo suo si trasmutava. |
though its reflected image kept on changing. |
Mentre che piena di stupore e lieta |
31.127 |
And while, full of astonishment and gladness, |
l'anima mia gustava di quel cibo |
my soul tasted that food which, even as |
che, saziando di sé, di sé asseta, |
it quenches hunger, spurs the appetite, |
sé dimostrando di più alto tribo |
31.130 |
the other three, whose stance showed them to be |
ne li atti, l'altre tre si feroN
Theological virtues
the members of a higher troop, advanced— |
danzando al loro angelico caribo. |
and, to their chant, they danced angelically. |
"Volgi, Beatrice, volgi li occhi santi,"
31.133 |
PE |
“Turn, Beatrice, o turn your holy eyes |
era la sua canzone, "al tuo fedele |
upon your faithful one,” their song beseeched, |
che, per vederti, ha mossi passi tanti! |
“who, that he might see you, has come so far. |
Per grazia fa noi grazia che disvele |
31.136 |
Out of your grace, do us this grace; unveil |
a lui la bocca tua, sì che discerna |
your lips to him, so that he may discern |
la seconda bellezza che tu cele." |
the second beauty you have kept concealed.” |
O isplendor di viva luce etterna,
31.139 |
PE |
O splendor of eternal living light, |
chi palido si fece sotto l'ombra |
who’s ever grown so pale beneath Parnassus’ |
sì di Parnaso, o bevve in sua cisterna,
PL |
shade or has drunk so deeply from its fountain, |
che non paresse aver la mente ingombra, |
31.142 |
that he’d not seem to have his mind confounded, |
tentando a render te qual tu paresti |
trying to render you as you appeared |
là dove armonizzando il ciel t'adombra, |
where heaven’s harmony was your pale likeness— |
quando ne l'aere aperto ti solvesti? |
31.145 |
your face, seen through the air, unveiled completely? |